NeuroGuide Price List

(10 month Payment Plan Available - Contact us at           


I NeuroGuide [NG] (same as NeuroGuide Deluxe and Basic; Single-User NeuroGuide License or a 1st License)



II – 2nd NeuroGuide License [NG2] (1/2 Price of NG & 1/2 price for add ons.   Available only after the purchase of  a Single-User 1st License  - see NG above.  A 3rd License requires the purchase of a 1st License at full price. )




·  Lifespan Normative Comparisons (N = 727):  Rel. Power, Abs. Power, Power Ratios, Coherence, Phase and Amp. Asymmetry

·  Semi-Automatic Artifact Rejection with Manual Editing Capability  

·  Semi-Automatic Eye Movement and Drowsiness Artifact Rejection

·  Multiple EEG File Imports (Lexicor, NeuroScan, EDF, Cadwell, ASCII, Mindset, Mitsar, XLTEK, DeyMed, BrainMaster & others)

·  Instantaneous Split-Half Reliability and test re-test reliability of Selected EEG Segments

·  Dynamic and Flexible FFT and Normative Comparisons in the Editing Mode

·  Eyes Open and Eyes Closed Lifespan Norms for Linked ears, average ref. and Current Source Density (CSD)

·  Re-Montage to different Reference Arrangements, e.g., Bipolar, Average reference, Current Source Density (CSD)

·  Export to the Key Institute LORETA equations and the Montreal Neurological MRI Database

·  Time domain Output Files Formatted for Easy Import to LORETA Key Institute

·  EEG Coherence and EEG Phase Raw Values and Z – Score Normative Comparisons – Birth to 82 Years

·  Tab Delimited Output Files for easy importing into statistical programs and database management systems

·  Raw or Edited EEG Printouts of Standard Conventional EEG Analyses

·  FFT using a 0.5 Hz resolution and 1 Hz Color Maps from 0 to 30 Hz (40 Hz to be included soon)

·  Export edited EEG in Lexicor file format and ASCII

·  FFT Normative Power Ratios, including Z scores for Theta/Hi-Beta, Alpha/Hi-Beta & lo-Beta/Hi-Beta frequency bands

·  Excellent Filter tools (adjustable Band Pass , Band Stop, Hi-Pass, Low-Pass)

·  Flexible Signal Generator calibration tools

·   Joint-Time-Frequency-Analysis (Gabor Adaptive Spectrogram)  

·  LORETA Time Domain for the Localization of Spike & Waves and other EEG Events

·  Editing annotation tools and Bitmap capture for easy report creation

·  Over 60 different Topographic color maps

·  One year of free updates and support  


III-  Add Ons to NeuroGuide:

1 - [DIS]   Learning Disabilities and Traumatic Brain Injury

                 Discriminant Functions







2 - [LOR]  LORETA Current Density Normative Database

                 (2 months to 82 years)







3 - [BPI]   Brain Performance Index  






4 - [NS]   NeuroStat






5 - [NB]   NeuroBatch 







6 - [CS]   Connectivity Suite






7 - [BS]   Dynamic Bi-Spectral Analyses  






8 - [SC]   LORETA Source Correlation Normative Database

                (2 months to 82 yrs) 







9 - [LCP]   LORETA Coherence and Phase Normative Database

                  (2 months to 82 yrs) 







10 - [LPR]   LORETA  Phase Reset Normative Database  

                  (LORETA Phase Shift & Phase Lock Duration - 2 months to 82 yrs) 






11 - [NC]  NeuroGuide Collection Module

The following EEG amplifiers are supported by the NC module: Cognionics, Neurofield (Q20), Deymed, Neuropulse, NeuronSpectrum, BrainAmp, Mitsar, Nexus-32, ANT, Biosignal, Advanced Brain Monitoring, Discovery, Wearable Sensing, Cognionics.  The NC module is necessary for acquisition of EEG including NF1,  NF2 & Surfer.  $600 for each amplifier type This is not a stand alone product but is an add on to NeuroGuide and NGA.  One must purchase NG or NGA in order to activate the NC module.  





12 - [NF1]   1 to 19 Channel Z Score Biofeedback*

                    (Symptom Check List + Surface QEEG Z Scores = NF1)

(Includes real-time Biofeedback of Z scores of the Laplacian, Average Reference, Linked Ears, Coherence, Phase Difference, Phase Lock, Phase Shift, Relative Power, Absolute Power + Symptom Check List.  NF1 does not perform LORETA 3D EEG Biofeedback. )





13 - [NF2]   3-Dimensional LORETA Z Score Neurofeedback*

(Includes real-time 'Live' LORETA Coherence, LORETA Phase Difference, LORETA Current Density + Symptom Check List. NF2 does not perform Surface EEG Biofeedback.)  







14 - [SURF]  BrainSurfer*   3-Dimensional Rendered Brain -  
                    Real Time Current Density Z Scores, Coherence  
                    and Phase  Difference Z Scores, Phase Shift and  
                    Phase Lock Z scores and Graph Metric Z scores

(Bundled Comprehensive integration of BrainSurfer 1, 2 & 3 for one price)







15 - [SCL]  Stand alone Symptom Check List  NF Protocol Generator

                   (independent of NF1 & NF2)  








IV- Stand Alone Products (Useful for Multi-site Clinics):

16 - (NGV) NeuroGuide Viewer for Neurology            (Import/Export, Edits, Event Marking, Amplitude Marking, LORETA time          domain, event time export)





17 - (NGA) NeuroGuide Acquisition

(Stand alone EEG acquisition - useful for Satellite clinics - no editing nor add ons except the NC and NF1, NF2 & Surf).  Includes collection of EEG, import of .NG, .EDF & Text files, re-montage, save and print, marking of traces, color and polarity control of traces (No qEEG or editing).  Also provides EEG biofeedback capability (see NGA + NF1 and/or NF2 and/or Brainsurfer).  Price is $1,000 for each amplifier system, e.g, Cognionics, Deymed, Discovery, Neurofield, Neuropulse, Neuron Spectrum, Mindo, Mitsar, Nexus, Wearable Sensing).  Only one license per purchase is permitted, i.e., a 2nd license for a 2nd computer requires a 2nd purchase. 




18 - (NGA + NF1) 19 channel Z score Surface EEG


(Does not require the purchase of NeuroGuide. Includes real-time Biofeedback of Z scores of the Laplacian, Average Reference, Linked Ears, Coherence, Phase Difference, Phase Lock, Phase Shift, Rel. Power, Absolute Power with Integrated Symptom Check Lists). Only one license per purchase is permitted, i.e., a 2nd license requires a 2nd purchase. 





19 - (NGA + NF2) 3-Dimensional LORETA Z score


Does not require the purchase of NeuroGuide.  Includes real-time 'Live' LORETA Z Score Coherence, LORETA Z Score Phase Difference, LORETA Phase Reset, LORETA Z Score Current Density with Integrated Symptom Check Lists.  Only one license per purchase is permitted, i.e., a 2nd license requires a 2nd purchase. 





20 - (NGA + BrainSurfer)* 3-Dimensional Network  Current Density for Assessment and/or


Does not require the purchase of NeuroGuide.  Includes 3-dimensional real-time 'Live' BrainSurfer  Z Score Brain-Computer-Interface (BCI) Neurofeedback.  Includes sLORETA Z Score Coherence, sLORETA Z Score Phase Difference, sLORETA Phase Reset, sLORETA Z Score Current Density with Integrated Symptom Check Lists.  Only one license per purchase is permitted, i.e., a 2nd license requires a 2nd purchase.  





V- One to Nineteen Channel Z Score Program
(Runs inside of Advanced Brain Monitoring, Brainmaster, Deymed, EEG Spectrum, NeuroField, Nexus or Thought Technology)

21 - Two Channel Z Score DLL



22 - Four Channel Z Score DLL



23 - Nineteen Channel Z Score DLL



VI- NeuroGuide for Brainmaster - MiniQ
(Imports 4 channel EEG data from the Brainmaster Atlantis Amplifier - import multiple recordings and concatenate to create topographic maps with 16 to 19 channels)

24 - NeuroGuide for Brainmaster (NGBMr)

       (upgrade to the full NG by paying the difference or $3,395 - $1,200 = $2,195)






VII - One Year Update Subscription

25 - Update Subscription to Access New Releases

       of NeuroGuide




Customers are eligible for one year of free updates.  After one year from the date of first purchase, then there is a $600 fee for a one year update subscription for those who want to continue to access new releases of NeuroGuide.                   

* Z Score Biofeedback Programs  (NF1, NF2 and BrainSurfer)  require the purchase of  a NeuroGuide  EEG  Acquisition Module (i.e., NC - $600). 

Minimum Computer Requirements

Due to the heavy demand on computer resources the recommended PC configuration is at a dual-core or more than one core and 6 Gigabytes of ram.  NeuroGuide runs with all versions of Windows, however, Windows 7 is recommended.

For BrainSurfer a high quality video card with at least 2 Gigabytes of memory and compatible with Open GL 2.0 is required.


We also, recommend that you do not use AVAST Anti-Virus.


License Transfer Policy

Once a permanent Key B is issued to a customer then the license is forever active and can not be transferred to a different person.  An attempt to transfer a license is a violation of copyright law as explained in the copyright notice when NeuroGuide is launched.

For further information:   Call:   (727) 244-0240;  Fax:(727) 258-4930;

                                          E-Mail:; or   

                                       Write to:    Applied Neuroscience, Inc. 8200 Bryan Dairy Road, Suite 315, Largo, , FL 33777-1355

Contact us for more info